Monday, February 8, 2010

Staying in The Vortex of Done

I am loving staying in the Vortex of Done. That's what I call my Beginning at the End mindset and feeling set. Yet I do have to remind myself to go back in when I find that I am not.

Staying in the Vortex of Done is a delicious task I enjoy. Why? Because resistance pops up for me every single time I have a new desire...LOL. It is alot less these days but it does pop up. I am way, way, less resistant to my own desires than I've ever been in this lifetime.

Contrast and Resistance are not the same things, however. That is where I used to trip myself up.

Contrast to me is noticing something new or different from what I am currently experiencing and deciding, "YES I'd like to have that please." I love the contrast of my life.

Resistance to me is me noticing the contrast, the new or different thing I am now choosing and then standing in my physical shoes and saying, thinking, feeling; "How is this going to happen? When is it going to happen? How can I make this happen right now? It's never going to happen. I can't do that! What will so and so think of me? This has to happen first before that can happen second, blah, blah, blah." Just feeling all Wicky Wacky!

Resistance always, always, stops my flow.

My flow?

Yes, me being aligned with my own desires, by that I mean feeling good about them, feeling lined up with them. That is my flow. Yet the good news for me anyway, is I notice it, the resistance, early on now. And I gotta say I love finding my pockets of resistance, especially with my new desire, my MK business. I love it because I have tools to shift my own thoughts to something that feels better even if it's just a tiny shift. I notice the resistance I may feel about learning my business, or bringing in a new team member or allowing new customers to show up and shift away from it before it becomes a dominant vibration, a dominant thought for me.

I have made it a practice and habit to get into the feeling place of it's done. So it's a much gentler shift from wicky wacky to ahhh.. I love getting into my own delicious Vortex of Done within my own imagination. Whatever it is that I am wanting to be do or have is Done! Done! Done! It's all done vibrationally before I see in physically. Gotta feel it, believe it, live it before it shows up. Source/God has already received the request from me in the middle of wicky wacky, and answered..I just gotta have fun and enjoy the deliciousness of it showing up..YAY!

It is about knowing it's going to show up. Not wondering when, where, who, how it's going to show up. It's about letting go of the conditions and focusing on the aspects that I like.

Being in the Vortex of Done for my Mary Kay business not only benefits my business, but as I stay there feeling it successful, Law of Attraction brings me other delicious thoughts that have a similar vibration about other areas of my life as well. How does it get any better than that?

Okay going back in teehehehehehe..Fun!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Product Picks of The Day for Men

MKMen® Face Bar
This face bar cleans and buffs skin as it begins the process to help reduce the visible signs of aging. Skin is left smooth and healthy-looking.

Used before shaving, the face bar prepares the beard for shaving or used afterwards, it removes any residue left from shaving.

Skin Care Tip: When used together with MKMen® Moisturizer Sunscreen SPF 25*, it can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

MKMen® Moisturizer Sunscreen SPF 25*This easily absorbed lotion hydrates skin and provides UVA/UVB protection to help shield it from harmful rays that can cause premature aging of skin. The sunscreen even retains its sun protection for at least 80 minutes in water.

Skin Care Tip: When used together with MKMen® Face Bar, it can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Beginning at the End

Yesterday was the beginning of the month.

This week on The Indigo Room, we talked about Beginning at the End of our day, week, month, year and feeling how delicious it was to be in the space of your desires already completed.

So I am, right now, already at the end of my second month of my first Quarter of being an (IBC). Right now today it is February 28, 2010 and I am feeling quite successful. My MK business is really feeling big and expansive. I am living in the vortex of done. : )

I wanted to complete the challenge given to me of doing 30 facials in 30 days..and woohoo, I did it. What a fun challenge. The faces were just coming out of the blue. I had no idea how I was going to complete this challenge but I kept on visualizing it already done and stayed there until the task just seemed to have completed itself.

The second challenge that was given to me was to find 3 new people I would love to work with and who would enjoy working with me in this delicious business of mine. Needless to say they found me. All three decided this was the business for them and we all match vibrationally. How does it get any better than this?! Now I have an awesome team working with me, and I with them. FUN!! My Director was estatic and asked how did I do it. I told her I got into the feeling place of it already being done..and they just showed up.

And each week new questions came in for me to answer on my talkshow "Help Me Learn My Business". I am feeling even more confident about my products now. I am really in the flow of being able to reccomend the best products for my customers skin.

I learned some new things about my business I didn't know before. I met some fantastic people I didn't know when the month began. I made some really cool new friends. I now have several male customers too..woohoo!! I was also able to pay down some of my bills from the sales I made this month. Awesome!

The final and last challenge I completed this month was the most fantabulous one of all. I finished my sales goal for the quarter with 15 days to spare. I love the prizes I won from the MK Company as well as the ones I won from my Director just for growing my business. How about that? It felt like customers were falling from the sky. They just kept on coming and coming. I love how my website makes it so easy for my customers to shop with me. It was phenomenal. My sales tripled from last month. Awesome!! I am so looking forward to another successful month next month. March Madness is gonna be Great!

How does it get any better than this? And what else is possible?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Who Is Willing to Contribute to This Talk Cast?

I am a newbie and Mary Kay Cosmetics has so many delicious products that I haven't tried or do not know the benefits of yet. Every month new products are added to the line either for a limited time or permanently. My initial goal to learn about my products, was to download a product information sheet each day and read about the specific benefits of that product. A little tedious and not really fun for me. Boring...I like fun and easy.

I'd also like to get to really understand my business better from a potential clients point of view, as in what would they like to experience from me as an IBC? I would love to know how to better service my existing clients and how to also reach out to new ones.

So, last week, while in my grounding meditation (Thank you Angela) I received a delicious answer. First it was the Blog, which is already done..: ) and then Eureka moment, use your talkshow talents and create one for your business..Awesome!

Today I have created a Talk Cast on Talkshoe for my business as a Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant (IBC). The link is located in the tool bar to the right, or you can just click "here"

The Talk Cast is titled "Help Me Learn My Business"

The purpose of this Talk Cast is for me, Sydney, to become an even better IBC than I am right now, as well as assist my new clients to get to know MK products better. And for all of us to learn more about my How does it get any better than this? What are the infinite possibilities? How could this be easy and fun?

I could engage my cleints or potential clients to contribute to this. How?

By asking to have questions sent to me, either anonymously/or not (client's choice) to, questions could be posted right here in my blog as well, or folks could just pop on into the Talk Cast Live and ask the question in the chat room. For example, "What products would I reccomend for let's say puffy eyes? Or do I have products for men? Or how do I find a consultant in my area? So forth and so on. : ) I would answer the questions on my TalkCast and also post the questions with answers here in my blog. It would be fun for me and hopefully fun for anyone who chose to listen..Delicious! I'm in!

So I am now asking the Question, "Who is willing to contribute to this?"

Tonight I am going to do an unofficial show @7pm Eastern time since I haven't any questions yet..teehehehe just introducing myself, my business and my website.

The time and date for the first official show is set February 8 @7pm Eastern time. Ask me about your skin or my website, or my business and send your questions to me Sydney at or post them in the comments section below. I will do my best to answer.

How does it get any better than this? I asked Source/God this question this new day upon rising. The answer I received "You ain't seen Nothing yet!" Woohoo!! Cool Beans!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Go to Sleep in the Vortex, Wake up There!

After I finished writing last night, about how my MK business feels, some very cool things happened.

I woke up this new day feeling invigorated, excited and eager to start my day. I started right where I left off feeling delicious, expectant, open & ready for any wonderful surprises the Universe would send my way. It didn't let me down, not that I was expecting it too. I stayed in that good feeling before I went to sleep and woke up the exact same way.

First Ms. Cleopatra decided it would be fun to kiss me awake instead of whining me awake.. LOL
And she patiently waited as I got my coffee brewing...ahhh nice.

I was invited to be a guest on a talkshow tomorrow. Fun!

I received quite a bit of cool feedback on this blog in particular. Received some gifts in the mail from my MK Director, always like gifts! Then lo and behold I received my first MK order from my website..WOOOHOOOO!!!

I made a delicious sale at my job and got a wonderful family going on some awesome vacations!!

Received a wonderful clearing meditation from Angela Bear
And I sent out my tithes too..YAY!!

How does it get any better than this? How did I get to be so lucky?

So what am I doing tonight? The exact same thing I did last night. Feeeeeeeling, Feeeeeling, Feeeeeeeeeling Good.

From Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder "I shall go to sleep but God in me remains awake bringing my present problems to a successful conclusion in Divine Order."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What Does My Mary Kay Business FEEEEEEEEL Like?

When I first became a Independent Beauty Consultant (IBC) with Mary Kay in 2003 I had a vague idea of what I wanted to accomplish with it. I mean really vague. But even with that vague idea, I knew where I wanted to go, just didn't quite know how I was going to get THERE. And THERE seemed like a long way to go. I had no real understanding about Law of Attraction (LOA)or how the Universe worked. I did have some vague idea...

Fast forward to NOW because NOW is all there is. NOW I get it and keep getting it, growing and expanding with the bigger version of me, who by the way is living my orgasmic life, so why not catch up to her...teehehehee. I write the way I NOW I am fully immersed in a delicious, loving, joyful experience of creating, allowing & imagining the life I enjoy and am enjoying. Yet it can get even better than this.

It occured to me two days ago to really feel what my Mary Kay business feels like, looks like, before I get caught up in the non-alignment of me with my desires; the action, action, action part. Action is great when it's align with what I am wanting to be do and have. Then everything flows. No upstream, wicky wackiness, banging my head against the wall..uh uh. Dropped those oars, where? Back there!

The delicious news is that being an IBC with Mary Kay back then lit a spark in me that I wasn't lined up with yet. And that is Okay. As Abraham would say, "You can't get it wrong, and you can't get it done. So chill out. Have fun and get into your vortex first."

NOW I am lining up with my own desire. NOW I know about my vibrational reality, I know my emotions are my guidance system and I know how to get THERE.


Over THERE where my desires are already GIVEN, which in reality is right here, right NOW. It's already DONE, just waiting for me to get up to speed. Cool.

I adore reading Catherine Ponder's Books. She has one that I just finished reading twice, called The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. In this book she speaks of having a dream or goal that when manifested encompasses many other dreams, desires and goals right along with it. For me it would be my MK business; many of my desires are within this one and allowing it into full bloom would bring them right along too. So I am choosing not to be the micro-manager this go round, and handing all the details over to Source. Woohoo!!

So back to the topic. What does my Mary Kay Business FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL like?

I just finished reading my friend Beth Atchison's blog tonight and it's perfect timing "Begin at the End". What does that mean? For me it's imagining my business already in full swing, already where I want it to be and staying THERE in my thoughts, feelings, emotions and my imagination. I am already seeing it, feeling it, tasting it, touching it, being it and living in it.

I did this with the house I am currently living in. I stayed in this house in my thoughts way before I actually moved my physical body into it. And I gotta say when I did move into it, it didn't feel like a move. Not like any other move I've ever had the experience of. It was easy. Everything fell into place. It never ever felt like a struggle. Not one time. Easy like butter on hot biscuits. I felt it first. Moved second.

What does my Mary Kay Business FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL like?
I am at the end. I am where I want to be.

I am having so much fun assisting others to become IBC's. I am working with the most awesome team of inspired creators. They just keep showing up without me ever having to convince them of anything or go looking for them. They see the value and benefit of becoming an IBC with Mary Kay. They are attracted to me and I to them. They are open and receptive to learning, allowing and their businesses are just as successful as my own. Everyone on my team of 1,000 Directors is having fun. That is just delicious to me.

I am speaking at large events. It feels fun. It feels exciting. I wake up every new rising of the sun and ask "How does it get any better than this? How did I get to be so lucky?"

It feels flexible. I take my business wherever I am. It is a very successful business, in that it allows me to travel all over the world, see new places, meet new faces. I am meeting new people every day.

I have time to do more of the things I enjoy doing. It's still expanding and growing every day.

It feels easy. I always have new challenges and goals and I meet them with joy and ease. I love replicating others phenomenal success. It feels open. I feel open and receptive.

It feels profitable and abundant. There is always way more dollars flowing in from all avenues of Rich Divine Substance.

It feels orgasmic. It feels new and fresh every single day. It feels relaxed. I am relaxed.

I am loving the friends I've made through my business. I love the delicious co-creators and collaboraters that have joined me and are attracted to my products. I love my products. I am so loving the creation part of it.

It feels fun and joyous filled with laughter and excitement. It is sooooooooo making my heart sing, to see so many happy folks around me. It feels Big, Delicious and Awesome!

Yes Yes feels Good.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Connecting to Success Energy

Success Energy is REAL.

I am currently reading the Auto Biography of Mary Kay Ash. It comes with your first intial order from the Mary Kay Company. Everyday I make it my business to read a few pages.

I have read it once before and as I stated yesterday this is my second time around so...I am taking the time to re-read it again.

Mary Kay is no longer in the physical plane but I believe she is still alive and well in the non-physical one. Yet I am sure she has alot of success energy to share if I am open to receive it. I am a firm believer and knower that just because someone made their transistion doesn't mean they are not available with feedback and information. I don't mean in a ghosty seancey woowoo kind of way.

I have learned through Abraham that energy never dies, and we always have access to it, yet nine times out of ten we don't believe this to be true. So I am connecting with her successful energy through the words in her powerful book Miracles Happen. Love the title.

One of my desires this new year is to feel and be more successful. It can always get better than this. Not that this is bad, the physical experience I am in. Not at all..but can always get even better, even more delicious, if I allow, and let go of limiting thoughts/beliefs that might be blocking me in some way.

One of the questions Angela-Gower Johnson put to me recently was "What Secret Agendas do I have with replicating and not replicating other people's phenomenal success?" Duh-uh Eureka moment for me. Now this question was not of course for my logical mind, more for my Inner Being/Source Mind, my subconcious mind. And here I am now devouring Mary Kay's Book, one of the most successful business women in the history of the United States. Fun! I definitely would not mind replicating her phenomenal success!

A good friend of mine and I recently created our own Master Mind Group to assist us with manifesting our desires and creating more successes in our lives, which encompasses family, business, spirituality...okay it encompasses alot.

Napolean Hill ,author of Think and Grow Rich speaks of this type of energy in his chapter on creating a Master Mind Group. "The psychic phase of the Master Mind principle is much more difficult to comprehend. You may catch a significant suggestion from this statement: No two minds ever come together without, thereby creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind. The human mind is a form of energy, a part of it being spiritual in nature. When the minds of two people are coordinated in a spirit of harmony, the spiritual units of energy of each mind form an affinity, which constitutes the pyschic phase of the Master Mind." Delicious..hmm time for a re-read of Think and Grow Rich.

Eh might as well add Napoleon Hill and Mary Kay to my Master Mind Group too..: )

Tomorrow: What does my Mary Kay Business Look and Feel Like?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Second Time Around

I have decided to blog about my adventures with my new business in Mary Kay using the spiritual principals I talk about weekly in my radio show..The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality.

I became a new Mary Kay Skin Care Consultant for the second time in my life, in November of 2009.

I was a consultant in 2003 but left for reasons that I shall not give any energy to in this blog. But, I always knew one day I would return because I loved the products, I loved the company and I adored the idea of moving up to the company's top position of National Sales Director one day. I also knew the perfect opportunity would present itself again for me to return. Although being a Mary Kay Skin Care Consultant was on my list of dreams I wanted to manifest when I first began deliberately using the Law of Attraction, I just didn't focus on it very much. It just sort of ran in the background of my thoughts until...

Last October when I really started to focus more intently on the idea. I was in my bathroom putting on makeup I didn't particularly I said outloud, "I have to find a Mary Kay Lady, I need my products." Now surely I could have looked up some random Mary Kay person online or in the phone book, that was an option for me, yet at the time I was not inspired to do so. I was not quite lined up with what I was asking for.

Source heard my request when I first put it down on my dream list, when I first entertained the thought, but of course I was in Wicky Wacky World with my own upstream thoughts, feelings and emotions way too much for the answer to ever come through; that is until I got clear on what I no longer clear I verbalized it out loud, then dropped it like it was hot, because it was. This same evening a delightful couple came to my current work place where I am a Vacation Sales Consultant, and sat at my table to discuss our vacation packages. As things were wrapping up, I asked the wife what type of work she did.

"I am a Director with Mary Kay," she said.

Of course my jaw dropped for a few seconds, because I know what I had just blurted outloud in disgust a few hours earlier. I didn't have to go looking for a Mary Kay Director, she came right to me. These kinds of instant manifestations still take my breath away no matter how many times they've occured. I didn't get their business that night, but I did get her card.

She came to my home, I bought some products and started my Mary Kay business all over again. This time around I know things I didn't know the first go round. I will be blogging my experiences using some of the processes I've learned from Abraham and other teachers as well. It's going to be a most interesting ride. I will also be keeping a Business/Abundance Journal courtesy of my friend Gary whose blog The Inclusive Universe I follow. This time it's gonna be delicious and fun.

And so it is! My new delicious questions courtesy of Angela Gower-Johnson our most recent guest on The Indigo Room How does it get any better than this? How did I get to be so lucky? If you are in business you must must check out her website Millionaires Access

This is my adventure with Mary Kay and LOA.