When I first became a Independent Beauty Consultant (IBC) with Mary Kay in 2003 I had a vague idea of what I wanted to accomplish with it. I mean really vague. But even with that vague idea, I knew where I wanted to go, just didn't quite know how I was going to get THERE. And THERE seemed like a long way to go. I had no real understanding about Law of Attraction (LOA)or how the Universe worked. I did have some vague idea...
Fast forward to NOW because NOW is all there is. NOW I get it and keep getting it, growing and expanding with the bigger version of me, who by the way is living my orgasmic life, so why not catch up to her...teehehehee. I write the way I talk..lol. NOW I am fully immersed in a delicious, loving, joyful experience of creating, allowing & imagining the life I enjoy and am enjoying. Yet it can get even better than this.
It occured to me two days ago to really feel what my Mary Kay business feels like, looks like, before I get caught up in the non-alignment of me with my desires; the action, action, action part. Action is great when it's align with what I am wanting to be do and have. Then everything flows. No upstream, wicky wackiness, banging my head against the wall..uh uh. Dropped those oars, where? Back there!
The delicious news is that being an IBC with Mary Kay back then lit a spark in me that I wasn't lined up with yet. And that is Okay. As Abraham would say, "You can't get it wrong, and you can't get it done. So chill out. Have fun and get into your vortex first."
NOW I am lining up with my own desire. NOW I know about my vibrational reality, I know my emotions are my guidance system and I know how to get THERE.
Over THERE where my desires are already GIVEN, which in reality is right here, right NOW. It's already DONE, just waiting for me to get up to speed. Cool.
I adore reading Catherine Ponder's Books. She has one that I just finished reading twice, called The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. In this book she speaks of having a dream or goal that when manifested encompasses many other dreams, desires and goals right along with it. For me it would be my MK business; many of my desires are within this one and allowing it into full bloom would bring them right along too. So I am choosing not to be the micro-manager this go round, and handing all the details over to Source. Woohoo!!
So back to the topic. What does my Mary Kay Business FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL like?
I just finished reading my friend Beth Atchison's blog tonight and it's perfect timing "Begin at the End". What does that mean? For me it's imagining my business already in full swing, already where I want it to be and staying THERE in my thoughts, feelings, emotions and my imagination. I am already seeing it, feeling it, tasting it, touching it, being it and living in it.
I did this with the house I am currently living in. I stayed in this house in my thoughts way before I actually moved my physical body into it. And I gotta say when I did move into it, it didn't feel like a move. Not like any other move I've ever had the experience of. It was easy. Everything fell into place. It never ever felt like a struggle. Not one time. Easy like butter on hot biscuits. I felt it first. Moved second.
What does my Mary Kay Business FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL like?
I am at the end. I am where I want to be.
I am having so much fun assisting others to become IBC's. I am working with the most awesome team of inspired creators. They just keep showing up without me ever having to convince them of anything or go looking for them. They see the value and benefit of becoming an IBC with Mary Kay. They are attracted to me and I to them. They are open and receptive to learning, allowing and their businesses are just as successful as my own. Everyone on my team of 1,000 Directors is having fun. That is just delicious to me.
I am speaking at large events. It feels fun. It feels exciting. I wake up every new rising of the sun and ask "How does it get any better than this? How did I get to be so lucky?"
It feels flexible. I take my business wherever I am. It is a very successful business, in that it allows me to travel all over the world, see new places, meet new faces. I am meeting new people every day.
I have time to do more of the things I enjoy doing. It's still expanding and growing every day.
It feels easy. I always have new challenges and goals and I meet them with joy and ease. I love replicating others phenomenal success. It feels open. I feel open and receptive.
It feels profitable and abundant. There is always way more dollars flowing in from all avenues of Rich Divine Substance.
It feels orgasmic. It feels new and fresh every single day. It feels relaxed. I am relaxed.
I am loving the friends I've made through my business. I love the delicious co-creators and collaboraters that have joined me and are attracted to my products. I love my products. I am so loving the creation part of it.
It feels fun and joyous filled with laughter and excitement. It is sooooooooo making my heart sing, to see so many happy folks around me. It feels Big, Delicious and Awesome!
Yes Yes Yes...it feels Good.
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